5 Easy Ways For Free Chat Gpt Upload Document

Chatgpt has many useful features that facilitate the users very much. But as a tool, it also has some limitations too. One real query that most of the users want to answer about chat gpt upload documents is can you upload a document to chat gpt? Here in this article, we will give you the answer and if can then also explain how to upload a document in chat gpt.

Can You Upload A Document To Chat Gpt?

The answer to this query is that we cannot add the document or any file in chat gpt. Chat gpt has not introduced the feature of uploading a document in any of the formats PDF, word or Txt or any other type of document. The beta feature of Chat gpt upload document was introduced but then it was removed from the free version of Chat gpt.

How To Upload A Document In Chat Gpt

So you cannot upload a document to chat gpt directly. But there are various ways to upload your document to chat gpt through different third-party apps, plugins, extensions, and many more. Here we will discuss 5 of the simple methods for Chat gpt uploading documents.

5 Simple Methods For Chat Gpt Upload Document Free

Here are the 5 simple methods in detail for chat gpt upload document free,

1. By Subscribing To Chat Gpt Plus

·         Go to the ChatGPT website and create an account.

·         Click on the “Upgrade” button in the top right corner of the page.

·         Select the “ChatGPT Plus” plan.

·         Enter your payment information and click on the “Subscribe” button.

·         Once you have subscribed to ChatGPT Plus, you will be able to upload documents to ChatGPT by clicking on the “Upload document” button in the top right corner of the page.

2. Using  ChatGpt File Uploader Chrome Extension

·         Open the Chrome Web Store or Firefox Add-ons Store.

·         Search for “ChatGPT upload document extension”.

·         Install one of the extensions that appear in the search results.

·         Once the extension is installed, open ChatGPT and click on the extension icon in the browser toolbar.

·         Select the document that you want to upload and click on the “Upload” button.

3. Chat Gpt Upload Pdf Using Third-Party Websites Like Chat Pdf

·         Go to a third-party website such as Chatpdf or Bing Chat.

·         Click on the “Upload” button and select the document that you want to upload.

·         Once the document is uploaded, you will be given a link to the document.

·         Copy the link and paste it into ChatGPT.

·         ChatGPT will then be able to access the document.

4. Upload Document Using Chat Gpt Plugins

·         Open your text editor and install a ChatGPT plugin.

·         Open the document that you want to upload in your text editor.

·         Click on the ChatGPT plugin icon and select the “Upload document” option.

·         Select the document that you want to upload and click on the “Upload” button.

·         ChatGPT will then be able to access the document.

5. Chat Gpt Upload Document Using BookGPT

·         Go to the BookGPT website and create an account.

·         Click on the “Create a new project” button.

·         Select the “ChatGPT” option.

·         Enter the URL of the document that you want to upload or upload a local file.

·         Click on the “Submit” button.

·         ChatGPT will then be able to access the document.

Analyze Your Document Using Chatgpt Alternative ChatGPT-Powered Bing AI Sidebar

Open Microsoft Bing: Go to bing.com and open the Bing search engine.

Enable Bing AI Sidebar: Click on the Bing AI Sidebar icon located in the bottom right corner of the screen. If you don’t see the icon, click on the three dots (ellipsis) and select “Enable Bing AI Sidebar” from the menu.

Paste or type your document into the Bing AI Sidebar: You can paste or type your document directly into the Bing AI Sidebar text box. If your document is a file, you can upload it by clicking on the paperclip icon and selecting the file from your computer.

Ask your question or give instructions: Once your document is loaded, you can ask Bing AI Sidebar a question about your document or give it instructions on what to do with your document. For example, you could ask Bing AI Sidebar to summarize your document, translate it into another language, or generate a creative text format for your document.

Learn More: Killswitch Engineer Openai


Chat gpt free version does not facilitate the users with the facility of Chat gpt upload document so you can upload a document on chat gpt by using chat gpt plus. Or there are various other ways too to upload a document in chat gpt. You can follow them too and they will analyze your document and you can also give prompts to make changes to it. You can also use chat gpt powered Bing AI sidebar for uploading documents on chat gpt.




Chat gpt 3 does not allow the upload option but Chat gpt plus does.

By using upload files extensions you can upload any pdf in chat gpt.

You can also upload the database to chat gpt by following the above given easy methods of chat gpt document upload in blog post.

A ChatGPT file upload plugin is a third-party extension or add-on that allows you to upload files to ChatGPT from your web browser.

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